I am Mahfuz Alam a professional data entry and I have over 4+ years experience in this field on public platforms.I work side by side with data entry currently working in a printing house.

Fast, reliable and most accurate data entry available online. All kinds of virtual assistants, administrative support or office support at your fingertips.
I am a professional data entry person and I have more than 5 years of experience. I am currently working as a graphic designer in a printing house.

Here is just a small overview of My Services how I can help free up your time.

Data transcribing from PDF, Image, Scan or Website
Typing or Copy Paste Jobs and File Conversions
Data Mining, Word Processing
Online or Offline Data Input
MS Excel Spreadsheets, Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations 
Data Input in Google Documents or Spreadsheets
Products Uploading, Products Name list
Web Research
Business Cards details in excel

You will receive:
High-Quality Deliverable
An On-time Delivery in a Proper Format
100% Confidentiality
Revisions Provided
Money-Back Guarantee
Data entry


Data entry
